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Project № BG05M9OP001-1.003-1410 "New job - a new opportunity for realization" The project is funded by the Operational Program "Human Resources Development", co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.

Beneficiary: "Martenichki Kiko" EOOD

Implementation period:
15 months: 01.08.2016 - 01.11.2017
Total project budget: BGN 199,385.00
Grant amount: BGN 199,385.00, of which BGN 169,477.25 (85%) from European Union funds through the European Social Fund (ESF) and BGN 29,907.75 (15%) National funding from  the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria
Co-financing by the Beneficiary: BGN 0
Short description of the project
The project "New job - a new opportunity for realization" is aimed at creating sustainable jobs  in  "Martenichki Kiko" EOOD and purchase of equipment directly related to the newly created jobs. Eighteen new jobs will be created under the project and the necessary equipment will be purchased, directly related to the newly created jobs,  in order to ensure the smooth operation of the newly appointed persons.

Project goals:
The project fully meets the purpose of the current procedure for providing free financial BG05M9OP001-1.003 "NEW JOB 2015", which is implemented under Priority Axis 1 "Improving access to employment and quality of jobs" of the HRD OP, namely: to provide preconditions for creating sustainable jobs for unemployed and / or inactive people.

The main goal  of the project is: creation of 18 sustainable jobs for unemployed and / or inactive people in  Martenichki Kiko EOOD.


The specific objectives of the project are:
•   SC1: Providing and guaranteeing the necessary working conditions for new recruits  persons by purchasing  of equipment directly related to the newly created jobs
•   SC 2: Improving socio-economic status  of newly appointed persons and their integration into society
•   SC 3: Improving the practical knowledge, skills and work habits of employees  on the project persons in the process of work.
•   SC4: Increasing the competitiveness of "Martenichki Kiko" EOOD,  through the creation of 18 new jobs

Basic activities:
The following activities will be implemented within the project:
Activity 1: Hiring of unemployed and / or inactive persons for a period of up to 12 months.
Activity 2: Purchase of equipment related to job creation. Activity 3: Information and publicity of the project.
Activity 4: Project organization and management.

Employed unemployed and inactive participants - 18
Unemployed and inactive participants who have a job when leaving the operation - 9

Expected results:
•   Created 18  new jobs for the unemployed and / or inactive;
•   Hired  unemployed and / or inactive persons for a period of up to 12 months;
•   Purchased equipment for the purposes of workplace operation; 
•   Improved company competitiveness;
•   Creating and improving work habits in newly appointed persons;
•   Upgrade  the socio-economic status of persons provided with employment;
•   Increasing  the competitiveness and productivity of the company;
•   Provided information and publicity of the project.



Documentation from 21.06.2017 under Project № BG05M9OP001-1.003-1410-С01​ you can find HERE


Decision №1 /22.06.2017  To terminate the procedure for selection of a contractor  HERE


Public invitation number 2 / date 23.06.2017 and documentation HERE


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Tsar Ivan Shishman Street 9

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